Monday, January 08, 2007

An Inconveniet Truth

Last night I watched Al Gore global warminging documentary An Inconveniet Truth. Not bad, I had no idea that the CO2 graphs matched so well with the global temperature graphs over thousands of years - definitely suggests a very strong correlation. My flatmate's brother was sceptical, and made a couple reasonable points such as an increase sighting of polar bears swimming doesn't mean the globe is warming as those statistics haven't been collected for many years- though that was only one of very many examples Gore uses.

The flatmate's brother also claimed that if one weighed in all the data, the global warming argument would come to stalmate (apparently, him working for the oil company Chevron has nothing to do with his scepticism). I completely disagree with his opinion. I think there are some statistics that don't necessarily imply global warming, but when you see polar ice sheets melting and glaciers retreating, you have to start thinking maybe there's some truth behind this global warming thing.

Ironically, I could have sworn there was a scene where Gore drove a large fuel-guzzling American car, then he condemns America for having such low fuel-efficiency limit - lower than even China. He finishes the documentary by giving simple suggestions to limiting C02 emissions. And now if you dwell in the state of Victoria, you can see how effective your state is doing by looking at weekly C02 emission updates. A world first.


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