Monday, January 16, 2006

Bloody Hippies

I catch public transport, recycle household goods, reuse plastic bags, use a power-saving fan over air-conditioning, walk to the convenience store, and use the dual-flush function on the toliet - something uniquely Australian it would seem. I try to be environmentally friendly and despite my green-leanings, I can't tolerate the bastards from Greenpeace. I think they are nothing but a bunch of socialist extremists with not-so-subtle agendas of anti-globalisation, and anything else which is trendy to hate.

Their website is just loaded with biased propaganda and specious science of the most contemptible level. Some of their issues I don't even understand. For instance, GM crops? These are crops designed, among other things, so farmers don't need to use nasty old pesticides. How the hell is that even an issue? Face it hippies. GM grops are here to stay.

Mind you, originally Greenpeace had good intentions (and I think a lot of members still do) but somewhere along the line they lost their way. For shame. It's very telling when one of Greenpeace's largest critics is its former founder and president, Patrick Moore who preaches that environmentalism is about sustainbility and pragmatism, and not close-minded extremism.

And the scary thing is, there are worse green groups out there like Sea Sheperd. I suppose one can argue that groups like Greenpeace serve as the so-called Hegelian* antithesis that clashes with the thesis and ultimately creates the final synthesis - a happy middle ground. However, I fear that this extremism of the greens doesn't achieve this and only broadens the divide.

How are you suppose to gain community and government support when you preach bullshit and have the image of being a bunch of drug-addled dread-locked hippies? Simple: you don't.

*I read the philosophy-themed novel Sofie's World last year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think my cousin is involved with that Sea Sheperd guy. He was saying something about it at christmas. I'm all for stopping the killing, I mean researching, of the whales, but some of these guys are too extreme

3:45 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Mixed thoughts really. If there's plenty of the whales and they kill them humanely, I don't see it that much different to us killing cows. However, the Japanese are doing it in protected waters. Tisk tisk.

8:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats the thing, I don't know the numbers or anything, but alot of the whale species are endangered. I think the Japs go for the Minke whales, but want to go for humpbacks and others that are more threatened. The difference with the cows though is that we breed them.

Also heard a good point on Sunrise this morning (Kochie apparently does have some good ideas!!!, they wanted someone in the Japansese whaling research community to talk to them about what kind of research they actually perform. From what I know, at the moment they just kill the whales for 'research', I've never actually heard what they get out of it though...

2:12 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

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11:33 am  
Blogger Engels said...

The Norwegians, keen whalers, claim whales live most of their lives free, and only suffer for a short moment in the end, while cows live in captivity their entire life.

There are plenty of Minkes, apparently. Apparently, in Asia you buy elephant steaks, which is just fuckin' awful. Something worth complaining about.

Mind you, the Japanse are getting a free lunch almost.

I mainly don't like Greenpeace because they're against the nuclear RESEARCH reactor in Sydney.

11:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as I know, Minkes aren't actually endangered, not any more.

I think the reaction to whale killing borders on the hysterial.

(Case in point: Bob "Captain Planet" Brown is advocating armed resistance against the Japanese? WTF? He doesn't advocate it against despotic regimes. I gues people aren't as important as whales.)

8:09 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Bob Brown just amazes me every day with his sheer stupidity. Why doesn't the idiot just piss off back to Tasmanian and spend the rest of his days living in a tree house with his partisans.

'Minkes are the cockroaches of the sea' said one Japanese pollie.

10:47 am  

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