Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Where the hell is THAT?

Some Victorians have no idea where Mackay is. Gosford is on the south coast of NSW, I think. I used to think Geelong was a suburb of Melbourne. It's not. It's a city - and a AFL club (but who cares about that ;). So geography can be a bit tricky, and I understand America is a big place but this, this is just terrible:

Even though the US has been at war in Iraq for three years, six in 10 young Americans could not find the country on a map of the world, a Roper poll conducted for National Geographic found.

They did little better with their own country. Despite the media coverage of Hurricane Katrina, almost one-third of Americans between the ages of 17 and 24 could not locate Louisiana, and almost half were unable to identify Mississippi.

The hell? FOR DAYS - if not weeks - we received footage about Hurricane Katrina and its location. I've seen more satellite photos of the Gulf of Mexico than photos of myself - actually, this could be a good thing.

Well, perhaps it's not fair for me to criticise America since I'm bit of a geography nerd (I once sat down in early highschool and memorised ALL the American states), but honestly young America, what's going on, eh? As they say in Minnesota, doncha know where Iraq is?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...and a AFL club (but who cares about that"


4:17 pm  
Blogger Engels said...


Foolish, foolish Mexicans. When will you learn..

4:27 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently, school kids in both Britain, Germany and France and Canada have this same problem.

Conclusion? It's not American school kids who are's ALL school kids....

8:38 am  
Blogger Engels said...

Martini, I that chaser video actually appeared on a fairly popular website. True that about the sport teams...except world cup.

Aidan, what problem? The geography of Australia? I believe it.

I was amazed OS that a German knew I was Australian from my Brisbane shirt. Most internationals have never heard of Brisbane. It's only the third largest city in the best bloody country on Earth.

9:22 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Germans who I went to school with in Germany thought Brisbane was an hour's drive from Sydney....

Well...maybe if you have a rocket car.

11:45 am  
Blogger Engels said...

I was speaking to a German yesterday about the weather here in Victoria. When I told him about Brisbane, he thought we got monsoons. Actually, a couple of internationals here have thought Brisbane was near the Great Barrier Reef.

1:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CNNN thing they did 'on the streets of america' is the best.

They ask where the USA should invade next and where they are on a world map.

The last guy points to Australia as North Korea, then goes "Wow, I didn't know N Korea was so much bigger than S Korea" (referring to Tasmania)

9:06 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Yeah, Luke. I love it when they interview that old yank and he says "we're gonna make huge glass crater out of it" - referring to Iran. Priceless.

9:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

8:18 pm  

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