Friday, May 18, 2007

Hippie Pinup Boy

I nearly choked on my Ice Break yesterday when I saw a hippie flyer advocating the actions of Hugo Chavez. Sure, the Venezuelan president throws a little money here and there to the needed. However, nearly once a week I read about something stupid that Chavez has said or done. From threatening to privatise banks to preaching about the Kingdom of God on Iranian TV, the guy's stupidity has no bounds. And the irony, under a Chavez-like rule hippie dissidents would be first ones to be silenced. Well, I guess he's better than the Killing Machine Che.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man his ideals are good and he's giving money to the poor people in his country instead of american corporations and CIA written wiki article aren't going to convince me otherwise ;)

1:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and haven't you seen motorcycle diaries?

1:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But seriously the american propaganda machine must be running full steam against Chavez

1:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God fridays drag like a bitch

A bitch who drags

1:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

talk to me motherfuckers

2:06 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Che was a fucking mass murdering bastard, despite what millions of dewy-eyed adolescendents believe, and is no more a fucking figure to be idolised than Pol Pot or Pinochet.

7:22 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Probably less so than Pinochet, actually since, even though Pinochet was a mass murdering cunt, he at least had the brains to get economists from the Chicago School in to finance his economic policy, whereas the only "job" Che ever had that didn't involve mass murder, management of Cuba's industry, was such a fucking catastrophe that Castro shipped the Argentinian moron off to Africa just to fuck the bastard off.

7:29 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, and Chavez's economic policies are actually impoverishing his people. Capitalism is good because it WORKS.

Chavez is just a fairer skinned version of Mugabe.

7:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The amount of venezuelan twats i have to deal with on the streets of madrid on a daily basis is astounding. and they all claim they're escaping his rageme. do with that what you will!

8:21 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Yeah, that's it, Luke. The US has nothing better to do than to run a PR campaign against a tinpot country that in less than a decade American will probably have to lift out of the gutter. I hope I'm wrong.

I only chose to include the wiki article for those who don't read on a regular basis how much of idiot Chavez is. Chomsky probably neglected to mention it.

I too met a couple of Venezuelans who weren't too impress with their government. It's like saying Cuba is a great place to live in despite the thousands of Cubans hanging out in Florida.

12:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am totally in agreement with both Che and Mr Chavez... lock up the hippies, torture some christians and for gods sakes, will someone shoot a poof or two?

These are the guys you idolize?

p.s. i was actually serious about the hippies and christians, but poofs are okay, they are great for when i need fashion tips...

1:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"a tinpot country that in less than a decade American will probably have to lift out of the gutter"

In previous articles, I reported Venezuela may have reserves of about 350 billion barrels if all their known heavy and light crude are counted. That total is far more than is now officially recognized by OPEC which means unofficially the country has greater reserves than Saudi Arabia by that number alone.

"But wait, there's more, a lot more. Palast reports a US Energy Department expert believes Venezuela holds 90% of the world's super-heavy tar oil reserves - an estimated total of 1,360,000,000,000 (1.36 trillion) barrels. Let me repeat that - 1.36 trillion barrels. That alone is more oil than Hubbert believed 50 years ago lay under the entire planet."

i can't be bothered searching for a better source

in other news, you guys are homos

2:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that was a bad source

however, in my defence you guys ARE homos...

2:48 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

here's a better source.

Basically showing how Chavez "land redistribution" is going to beggar his country. Only the absurdly high price of oil is keeping him afloat.

Basically, Chavez is like Mugabe + Po Pot with a dash of nutty Christian all rolled up in the perfect Latin American idiot coating.

10:05 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Chavez is a nutty Christian which should be reason alone to be scared of the fool.

Last time I checked, a surplus of oil did not necessarily imply a brilliant standard of living (Angola, Russia, Saudi Arabia).

I concede that some of his ideals are, yes, admirable. Still, when he's threatening to lock up dissidents (like your stock standard dictator), and nationalise private corporations like banks, people should worry. Any possible foreign investment into the country will vanish.

I've read plenty of Anti-american quotes from Hugo - I can't recall any from the US. They just ignore him - or occasionally the odd senator will say something obvious like "we should invest into renewable energy because certain oil countries are run by loons..."

10:29 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of nutty christians running around these days...

Still i'll accept your concession and lets move on in the knowledge that i'm right and certain other people suck monkey balls... George Bush's great hairy monkey balls

Viva la revelucion!

11:22 am  
Blogger Engels said...

Viva la revolucion! Siempre libertad, mis amigos.

What's spanish for cliche? Probably chliche.

11:35 am  
Blogger Engels said...

From a left-leaning publication, more news that old mate is up to no good.

2:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Founded in 1953, RCTV is Venezuela's oldest private network and broadcasts a mix of news, talk shows, sports, soap operas and a version of ``Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?''

Hahaha I told you he is a good guy, now obviously a good guy witt good taste in television

5:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cliche es Cliché. and that cunt banned alchol over Easter (samana santa)... what more do you need. (I = whitz, officially bloggless)

7:39 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Hey! I kinda like that millionaire show. Though I reckon I'd do much better at rich list. I hear they have some dumb asses on that show. Admittedly, not everybody is inclined to general knowledge (or trivia as some call it), but why would you go on the game show unless you were halfway decent?

10:30 am  

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