Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Parrots and Politics

I can't believe this is still an issue. A electricity-generation windmill farm was planned to be built in Victoria but the federal environmental minister knocked it back on the alleged grounds it would pose a threat to the endangered Orange-bellied parrot, which migrates yearly between Tasmania and Victoria. What sort of threat are we talking here? Since the windmills won't be in the bird's flight region, the potential risk is that one bird may die per year. Surely one bird per year is OK for cleaner airs? No? And it gets better:

But Victorian Energy Minister Theo Theophanous said Senator Campbell had been unable to find any evidence an orange-bellied parrot had been killed by a wind farm.

"The wind farm in Tasmania is in the flight path of the parrots, and the study found there was a one-in-20-year probability of a bird dying, which when compared with the Bald Hills project, which was a one-in-143-year probability, you would normally say this has no hope of going ahead.

A one-in-143-year chance of dying? Poor little feathered critters. And they're fast too, apparently clocking speeds up to 150km/h while NOT hitting any trees. I reckon if a species is stupid enough to be wiped out by a couple of windmills, it deserves its fate. Same goes for some humans. Darwinism rules.

Sidenote: Just realised I could've looked real smart-like by using the term quixotic in this entry. You know, in reference to that crazy Spanish literary character, Don Quixote, who fought windmills because he thought they might be giants? Ah, forget it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't the equivalent of "look over there" *politician shaped hole in the wall*

Perhaps by coming up with such a stupid excuse it keeps debate alive amongst people as to whether they REALLY mean that - therefore the attention is diverted away. Its stupidly fucked.

11:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't going to post that! :-| Not sure how that got posted - just suddenly was there :|

Hmm.. This blog is too easy to procrastinate with. Wish Greg had linked me AFTER my dissertation deadline. :'(

I need a drink.

12:02 am  
Blogger Engels said...

Martini, ranting is what blogs are for. It depresses me too. What is Downer's story? It definitely looks like he contradicted himself. Either he knows something or he doesn't.

And I heard we have some of the least corrupt pollies in the world...frightening.

9:33 am  
Blogger Engels said...

Jen, I'm sorry but it never occurred to me you were that Jen. I did meet you when I was really, really drunk. I knew you were British and probably studied psychology from your comments. Joining the dots is hard for me...

What shits me is when pollies do media releases during some other major event like a football game. Very sly. And stupidly fucked.

When is your thesis due in? Good luck. Keep burning the midnight oil.

9:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol no worries, I figured you hadn't joined the dots. I think we were all pretty drunk that night, I remember suffering soo much the next day lol.

The thesis is due in next week..I have 60pages of results to wade through today :'( Found a statistical test called "Roy's largest root" which made me giggle :-) Thanks for the luck, I'm going to need wednesday is going to be messy :)

9:14 pm  
Blogger Engels said... was a blurred but fun night. As a maths student, I need to use various methods to "find roots" to equations.

Never really like the word much. Rather the English shag.

I don't expect you to respond, Jen, as you'll be busy typing away.

9:29 am  

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