Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Socialist Response

Here's a response too large for the comment section of the previous entry. I emphasise that I do not believe in extreme forms of capitalism and think that capitalism is indeed responsible for some terrible things. However, some socialists apparently have a very misguided perspective of history.

Whoever wrote this garbage needs to read up on history. Who wrote this? A failed first-year arts student? Or some weed-smoking clown who reads too much Chomsky? My history ain't that great, but just for comedy:

To have Stalin there is telling alone of this person's seemingly limitedless stupidity. Stalin is a man both directly and indirectly responsible for killing over 20 million of his own people just to bring potato-farming Russia into the industrial age - meanwhile we're complaining about the 7-day work week of Victorian Britain. Incidentally, do we know what Feudalism was? Guess how many hours farmers and labourers worked back before capitalism came to town? The idea of a vacation, which I’m sure everyone here is familiar with, didn't exist a couple of hundred years ago.

The points pertaining to WW2 are mostly a result of Nazism (ie a form of socialism albeit a very evil and racist one) and the combat against this evil.

Hiroshima was the tactical response to an indoctrinated group of people who quite literally thought their ruler was descended from a sun god. It was either that, or a war of attrition.

Racism? Right... And no socialist (bar the Nazis of course) has ever been racist?

The great bulk of these wars and battles (Boer, Nanking, Opium) were a result of imperialism and colonialism, which are not mutually exclusive to socialism. The Russian Empire didn't let go of their annexed states once they became the Sovient Union. Also, China is still fiercely holding onto Tibet (as most whining hippies will know).

McCarthyism was an extreme response to an exaggerated fear by a madman (who, incidentally, didn't slaughter his perceived enemies like our socialist amigos Pol Pot, Mussolini and Stalin).

Exxon Valdez? Both capitalist and socialist countries trade in oil. Just ask the socialist clown Hugo Chavez.

The Mafia? Organised crime? So China doesn't have organised crime? Triads are just a myth? And Italy was never a socialist state?

Tuberculosis? Electric-chair? Pure insanity. What's next? AIDs? Cancer? The common cold? Or are they products of lizard-like aliens?

This is just off the top of my head. If I could be bothered doing some research, I would find even more gapping factual and logical holes in this poorly construed "argument". This sort of mentality is frightening, to say the least.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of a word... hmm... what is it? Oh, yes, of course....


1:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, please also note that the word was *BAM*, and NOT *BAMF*, which as we all know (and as wiki will happily point out):

"relates to the X-Men character Nightcrawler and the resulting sound he makes when he transports himself. The sound is caused by air rushing into the area where Nightcrawler's body once was."

Just wanted to be clear on that point...

1:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Engels, this post alone proves your sexiness. I wish men like you existed in the real world.

1:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


actually i had to download that picture and then upload it an uploader because i got it from or something hahaha

Anyway no need to start ANOTHER world war or give me cancer you damn capitalist.

At least we can both surely agree that capitalism definitely was responsible for that reprehinsible Simpson's character [Ned] Flanders.

I hear Che died trying to rid the world of the fundamenalist hate-mongering pedephile.

yeah, that's right... pedephile. i bet you never even knew.

2:49 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps. i think the whole thing might be just a little bit tounge in cheek

just like this

2:59 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

I was never confused with *BAM* and *BAMF* - the latter of which Az tried to use in a scrabble game....

And to think I wasted a good twenty minutes of my precious PhD time working on that.

You mean paedophile/pedophile? I'm lost.

3:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kiddy fiddler?

3:27 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Oh, Flanders wasn't a kiddy fiddler, was he?

I heard that old Che said some homophobic things in his diaries. Wonder if they showed that in the film.

4:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're a homophobe


4:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh you're not really a homophobe

i just wanted to say bamf

come here, give me a hug you sexy bastard


4:36 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

OK. I'll come there. BAMF! Where am I?

4:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i see what you did there

4:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

20 minutes? and the man can't even spell!

8:00 am  
Blogger Engels said...

Only arts students are concerned with spelling. It helps them to feel superior.

12:24 pm  

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