Friday, September 22, 2006

Maths is fun

Last week I went into the PhD office across the hall. On the whiteboard was a geometrical proof for the very famous Pythagoras' theorem . After some thinkg, I added another proof for fun. This week I noticed there is now five proofs on the wall (one using complex numbers). And who says maths students don't know how to have fun?

Interestingly, Pythagoras' theorem is the most proven theorem in mathematics (it has over a three hundred proofs using mathematics from all areas - one of these proofs was done by James Garfield who was, very briefly, a US president). Hence, we will have plenty of fun for years to if only I could stop procrastinating and do some actual meaningful work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't let Jan read this. She is really turned on by nerds.

2:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey... hey HEY... ***nerd... nerdy nerd over here***... whats with chicks not digging nerds as the norm?

i am curious though.... you have a blog, contribute to a star wars wiki, probably had your grandma (aka Granny Bootilicious PMA) knit you a Star Fleet Deck Commander uniform... and yet you get no nerdy lovin'? Travesty... truly no justice in this world...

2:31 pm  
Blogger Whitz said...

Everybody knows maths students are only gonna end up teaching at a high school level if they're lucky.

2:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Dale, it's a travesty. Maths nerds get all the booty. Just not fair.

*sigh* If only I'd gone into those animated porn gifs like you...

3:12 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Telling you: nerd is the new black. ANd chicks dig maths.

Touche, Whits... You're lucky mate. You can always fall back on your degree in communcations...oh, I'm sorry.

3:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Do you want fries with that, senor?"

Heh, heh, heh.

3:47 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

How many arts students does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but it's worth ten credit points. BAM!

4:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I note Garfield was assassinated not long after proving this theorem, Engels.

Watch your back.

8:27 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Duely noted, however, I'm beginning to suspect my proof may somehow, implicitly, relied upon said theorem. Circular arguments, begging the question, and other such traps of logic are abound.

12:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and you pricks thought I was nerdy for playing World of Warcraft!

9:38 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ARE nerdy for playing world of warcraft teenos... thats like try-hard, wanna-be nerd shit... REAL nerds play d&d, with DICE n shit... and by only engaging in your nerdy role-playing fantasies in real-life, flesh-based interactions (read: pen, [paper and 20-sided die), as opposed to online, you can be sure that the "uber hot night elfess level 40" thats been trying to talk dirty to you for the last twenty minutes is both a) older than 12 and b) not a guy.... but dont feel bad about your efforts thus far teenos. Its hard to check for an adams apple online... :D

speaking of nerd, i went out today and bought a t-shirt that has "100% PURE GEEK" written across the front... i'm guaranteed to be beatin lusty wenches off with sticks any time now...

you'll be pleased to know engels, that i had another chick say she liked my "do all my own stunts" tshirt today... funny t-shirts, guys, i swear, they are the key, particularly when, as i am sure most of you will find, you are lacking in both personality and good looks. As i myself am.

10:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. in regards to nerds and maths, and booty, and funny t-shirts, and booty, i also was tempted to buy a shirt from the same store that read (below the big picture of a ship at the top) "pirates get more booty"... but i was strong... i resisted...

10:36 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

Man, I would have bought that shirt for sure. Certainly since it was international talk like a pirate day last week. Last Tuesday I was at the pub and college brats were coming in dressed as pirates. Nothing sexier than a woman with an eye patch, um, I mean....

10:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got my Church of the SubGenius shirts, but I don't think any girls understand them.

At least I don't wear that "C:\DOS RUN" shirt....

5:36 pm  
Blogger Engels said...

We are cool. It's that simple, Grogs.

I want to get a maths shirt.

6:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry Engels, I think you make maths sound incredibly sexy.

6:56 pm  

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